The Lord is Doing New Things in Our Midst!
International Coordinators Meeting in Costa Rica, May 2024
The Sword of the Spirit is moving from its founding generation to a new generation of leaders whom the Lord has called to guide us in his call to love one another in covenant community.
Never was this more evident than in May, as hundreds of SOS coordinators from around the world met in Costa Rica. Jean Barbara, who had served as International President of SOS for 16 years, passed the torch to Manny de los Santos, former Senior Coordinator from the community in the Philippines, Ligaya Ang Panginoon. This transition reflects what is happening throughout the Sword of the Spirit in regions and in local communities. The Lord is raising up a new generation who were not the founding generation, just as he called Joshua to lead Israel when Moses “retired.”
What did the Lord Say?
Through times of prayer and talks, and during opportunities to share our lives with brothers from around the globe, the Lord seemed to be speaking to us through various talks:
“You, Sword of the Spirit, are my special possession.” Even in our weakness, God delights in forming a people who desire to put him first.
“I will make you a bulwark.” This is the Lord’s work. He is the one who makes us a bulwark.
“Be Courageous, for I am with you.” The Lord is closer to his people than we can imagine.
In addition to the talks, there were also times of praying for each other, both planned and spontaneous, which were a great blessing. This was the tone, the Lord speaking to us, encouraging us, and calling us forward. Most important was the love and the joy experienced by so many coordinators and other leaders from around the Sword of the Spirit, including a few special guests, as we gathered to support and call each other on.
A wide range of ages (from 30 years old to 75 years old!) were on display, as well as a multitude of nationalities and backgrounds at the conference. How good it is to be brothers with so many from around the world! We saw leaders from the early days of Covenant community and younger leaders, (show picture of Jean honoring Paul Dinolfo…) some who even grew up in Sword of the Spirit communities, all building each other up and calling each other on.
While our small groups for the conference had to take language barriers into account, they also placed brothers from around the world with those they wouldn’t normally be able to talk to in person. This kind of fellowship was an incredible experience. Simply spending time with so many brothers facing challenges and struggles was a wonderful experience.
A Final Message from Jean Barbara
In his final address to the SOS, Jean covered a number of key topics. He spoke about the importance of safeguarding children, the changes that are being implemented as a result of our challenges in this area, and seeing the Lord’s discipline in our weakness. Jean highlighted that we are in a “new season of change in generations,” not unlike Elijah and Elisha. He encouraged regions to implement age limits and terms of office for leaders.
Jean spoke of the challenge of maintaining our vision and charism to live as “radical disciples on mission” in the midst of such societal change. And at the same time, he told the older leaders not to expect the next generation to look exactly like them or do things the same way.
Lastly, Jean gave his observations regarding the three strategic priorities that the Lord has asked us to focus on. He shared that the Power from On High retreat was just the beginning of our seeking more of the Holy Spirit, that there has been some significant change in the area of ecumenism, especially in our relationship with the Vatican and in the work of the SOS
Ecumenical Commission. And Jean especially highlighted the ways that the Lord has expanded our tent pegs throughout the world, with new alliances, efforts to reach the poor and needy, and offering flexible ways for other groups and movements to be part of the Sword of the Spirit, if called.
Around the Sword of the Spirit, around the larger Christian world The Sword of the Spirit is an international community of communities, and God is at work in many ways, and in many places, that we are often unaware of simply due to distance. We were able to hear about many of the exciting things God has been doing all around the Sword of the Spirit, as well as the ways he has been providing opportunities for us to work with other groups and organizations to advance his kingdom.
The Sword of the Spirit has been developing relationships with other Christian communities, including the European Network of Communities and the North American Network of Communities. Working with these and other groups, all following the specific calls the Lord has given them, allows us to give and receive support, and to share what we have learned with each other. What a blessing to see this expression of the larger Body of Christ in the world around us!
Additionally, Msgr. Bob Oliver of the Brotherhood of Hope and Jean Barbara shared about the ongoing efforts between the Sword of the Spirit and the Vatican. A large percentage of our members are Roman Catholic, and knowing that the Vatican encourages our way of life and the participation of Catholics in Sword of the Spirit communities is very encouraging.
Moving forward
Brothers and Sisters, God has called each of us by name, to love each other and to serve him and one another other in this community of communities. The Lord is calling all of us to be a
demonstration of the unity of the Body of Christ, and to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit as he works within us. We know that this call is from God, and that as such he will bless and direct it.
Following his leading is rarely easy, but this is the path that our Lord Jesus traveled, and we are simply following our Master. We ask you to intercede for the leaders of your local community, the region, and the Sword of the Spirit as a whole. We depend on your prayers!