The Sword of the Spirit North American Region +

Established 1970

What We're About

  • We are a network of Christian believers, but we are not a church. While our members come from a variety of Christian traditions, we share the same call to live as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. Our members have experienced a personal encounter with Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit, and that relationship with Christ is ever-deepening. Our members accept the truths expressed in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds and are baptized, active members in their local church. All of our members are committed to Christian unity, “that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” (John 17:21)

  • We invite our members to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and open to the gifts and work of the Spirit in their lives. We engage in corporate and individual charismatic worship, and pray for and over each other, faithfully expecting God to work powerfully in our lives.

  • Our members belong to many different denominations: Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, and Independent. Some of our communities have members from only one tradition, while others are internally ecumenical. Regardless of the makeup of each individual community, our members are oriented to accept one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.

  • A covenant in ancient times was a binding agreement between parties. Our member communities each have their individual covenants, but all of them express a similar commitment to God and to each other. Our members agree to support and care for each other, intending to build strong, long-term relationships so that we can best help each other serve God.

  • In response to this particular call of God, we have freely committed ourselves to others who have been called in this same way. We accept the mission our Lord has entrusted to us as a people and the responsibility to live together as citizens of the kingdom of God (Philippians 2:9; Ephesians 2:19; 1 Peter 2:11).

    We are:

    • A covenanted body that lives and serves together

    • Brothers and sisters of one another in the Lord

    • A people of praise and worship

    • Living a common way of life

    • People with a common mission, making ourselves and our resources available for that mission.

    In short, we live out our Christian commitment united by a covenant, a common way and life, and dedication to a common purpose and mission.

About The Sword of the Spirit in North America

The Sword of the Spirit is a growing network around the world of some 90 communities and more than 100 movements that have a common vision, way of life, and spiritual culture. There are more than 14,000 adult members in these communities and at least as many again in the movements.

We sometimes describe ourselves as a “community of communities”. Each community within the Sword of the Spirit is self-governing but receives help in living out its life as a community from the sharing of resources with other communities around the world.

North American Region Statistics & Information:


Year Established




(United States, Canada, New Zealand)


States/ provinces represented

Latest Updates

Our Communities in The North American Region

The Sword of the Spirit is comprised of local communities throughout the world. The North American region includes the United States, Canada, and New Zealand (yep, New Zealand too!). View the map below for details on each community, or click the button below to navigate to our community pages.


  • North American Regional Conference

    July 11-13, 2025

    Located in Lansing, Michigan

  • International Women Leaders Conference

    May 2025

    Located in San Jose, Costa Rica

  • Community Building Conference

    February 2026

    Located in Detroit, Michigan